Højensgård / Ferm / Grillini / A.C.

Trompetisten Claus Højensgård og trommeslageren Andrea Grillini mødtes i Bologna i Italien under Højensgårds toårige ophold i byen, hvor de har spillet sammen i utallige konstellationer. For første gang deler de scene i København og til anledningen har de inviteret to venner og stjernemusikere med på scenen. Bass ace Anders AC Christensen og saxofon-troldmanden Ned Ferm. Oplev de fire musikere udforske det åbne kvartet-format med rytmegruppe og to horn, der med inspiration fra Coleman, Shorter, Haden og Monk vil skabe deres egen musik og lyd i Beboerhusets café.

Danish trumpet player Claus Højensgård and Italian drummer Andrea Grillini met each other during Højensgård’s two-year stay in Bologna, where they played together in numerous constellations. Now, for the first time, they’ll be sharing the stage in Copenhagen, and they’ve invited two good friends and stellar musicians to join them – Danish bass ace Anders “AC” Christensen and American saxophone wizard Ned Ferm. Listen to these four musicians explore an open form of the jazz quartet (bass, drums, and two horns) as they write their music in real-time and hone their sound live in the café of Christianshavns Beboerhuset, drawing inspiration from Coleman, Shorter, Haden, and Monk.

Claus Højensgård: Trumpet/flugelhorn
Ned Ferm: Saxophone
Andrea Grillini: Drums
Anders AC Christensen: Bass

Kl. 20
Entré 80 kr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/855691849642608/

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