International Musical Meetings w. Marie Takahash

Marie Takahashi / Jonathan Aardestrup duo + one more band

2 koncerter under The Communitys concertserie Internatioanl Musical Meetings. Denne gang med Marie Takahashi.

First concert 20.30
Second concert 21:30

Marie Takahashi
Viola, baroque viola, composition, improvisation.
After her studies and career as a classical musician in Japan, France and in Germany (Musikhochschule Mannheim and Frankfurt/Main) she moved to Berlin where she started more original and creative activities such as improvisations, compositions and collaborations with artists from various disciplines. She has worked with many international musicians including Tristan Honsinger, Axel Dörner, Cedrik Fermont, Michel Doneda, Sylvia Hinz, Burkhard Beins, Toshimaru Nakamura. Her experimental compositions using calligraphy techniques, shapes and numbers have been presented in Europe and in Japan.

Jonathan Aardestrup
Copenhagen based double bass player and composer Jonathan Aardestrup, has balanced his expressive output between the unconventional and the catchy. A free-spirited bass player who is always seeking to break new ground in denial of pointless repetition, leading to a continous investegation in composed original music, improvisation and the corelation of the two.

Working locally with groups like The Way Out and have several international collaborations with many different members on the impro scene including Makoto Sato, Siv Øyunn, Signe Emmeluth, Niels Mestre, Paul Wacrenier, Szymon Pimpon, Andreas Røysum, Maria Dybbroe.


International Musical Meetings er en koncertserie der præsenterer samarbejder mellem medlemmer af musikkollektivet The Community og internationale musikere i Juni og Juli måned i form af dobbelt koncerter med danske ensembler. I sommers var det med gæster fra USA og Portugal og d. 24. November med Japanske Marie Takahashi, der er bosiddende i Paris.

Efter afslutningen af det store samarbejdsprojekt SHARE med musikkollektiver fra bla. Frankrig, Sverige, Schweitz, Tyskland, Portugal, Tjekkiet og Italien er der et stort behov for at vedligeholde og videreudvikle netværk der er opstået mellem The Community og de andre musikere.

Lige nu er det officielle internationale samarbejde på pause, men vi arbejde på at definere en form det kan fortsætte under blandt andet med nye partnere.

Derfor er der i den grad behov for at holde ilden igang og kontakterne ved lige og i kollektivets ånd gør vi det igennem at arrangere events hvor musikere kan mødes og udveksle.

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