SUNNY FOX // Copenhagen Jazz Festival

Sunny fox is a new group lead by Icelandic saxophonist and composer Sölvi Kolbeinsson.
It features Erik Kimestad Pedersen (NO) on trumpet, Benjamín Gísli Einarsson (IS) on piano, Mark Ibsgaard Gregersen (DK) on bass and Simon Forchhammer (DK) on drums.
The group focuses on new material by Sölvi, written with the strong and diverse personalities of the players closely in mind. Some of the material is complete written out compositions while other is more in form of sketches, where the imagination can fully take
over and lead to unknown places.

Sölvi Kolbeinsson (1996) is an Icelandic saxophonist and composer living in Copenhagen.
After studying classical and jazz saxophone in Iceland Sölvi moved to Berlin where he studied at Jazz-Institut Berlin (BA, 2015-2019). He moved to Copenhagen in 2021 where he now lives and works.
Sölvi is active in the European jazz scene, performing and recording with many different groups, including: hamamelidae, Sölvi Kolbeinsson & MagnúsnTrygvason Elíassen, Luca Curcio´s La Bomba, Windisch Quartet and Guiding Star Orchestra. Sölvi has performed at jazz festivals in all the Nordic countries as well as performing in Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Netherlands and Scotland. Sölvi was chosen as the most promising jazz musician at the Iceland music awards in 2016

Line up:
Sölvi Kolbeinsson – alto, composition
Erik Kimestad Pedersen – trumpet
Benjamín Gísli Einarsson – piano
Mark Ibsgaard Gregersen – bass
Simon Forchhammer – drum

Kl. 21
Entré 100 /50 kr for studerende

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